My name is Suzanne, and this is blog is about my journey through changing my diet into all "real food" and "exercise". I was not able to surf this past summer due to my health complications. I had many headaches, I was tired all the time, I gained a lot of weight, I was unhappy with myself. Not being able to surf truly made me depressed. I find surfing to be cleansing for the soul. It's meditative, addicting and quite honestly, the best thing I've ever done for myself. There's no feeling like catching a wave. I had been really trying to find ways to clean up my diet since I didn't think eating preservatives was healthy for me among several other bad habits that I had obtained. I couldn't deal with the headaches anymore. Since the end of the summer, I've been reading a couple of different blogs in regards to "clean eating" and "fitness". I read "Food Inc." and "The Defense of Food" by Michael Pollen. I also read a blog called "100 days of Real Food". Between these three readings, I truly believed it was possible to get rid of the junk I was eating and improve my way of living. After all, surfing is about taking care of your body and mind. I threw out anything that was processed or had chemicals in my house. Mind you, I live alone so this task was somewhat easy for me. I went food shopping at Whole Foods and found this task to be overwhelming. Even simple things I thought that were good for me, were no longer on my grocery list. I changed my diet dramatically. My headaches disappeared!!! That was a great motivation factor for me to continue this new way of eating. I struggle with coming up with new recipes or ways to maintain this eating all the time. Hence why I'm starting this blog to receive feedback from my readers. I also signed up to work out with my friend Katie in October. I wasn't consistent in the beginning but in November, I became consistent. I now meet with her two times a week. She's a lifeguard and a personal trainer. She seriously kicks my butt. I enjoy every minute of it. I knew I needed to also get my strength back if I wanted to be serious about surfing come spring next year. This blog will also track my fitness goals and progress. I continue this blog, I'll discuss challenges and how I overcame them as they come. Any feedback from you will be great!!
"Surfing soothes me, it's always been a kind of Zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I'm on a wave. " Paul Walker
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